Review of 16 Wishes

16 Wishes (2010 TV Movie)
Too Predictable To Ever Really Be Charming
11 March 2017
As an older brother to a younger sibling who frequents Disney Channel fare, I often sit down with her to watch certain Disney movies/shows. Some I enjoy, while others (like this one) are just a bit too contrived/silly to draw in anyone but the youngest of viewers.

For a basic plot summary, "16 Wishes" tells the 16th birthday story of Abby Jenson (Debby Ryan). When her big day gets off on the wrong foot, Abby is granted 16 b-day wishes by a magical being. As the wishes mount, Abby begins to realize what a 16th birthday really SHOULD be all about.

In pretty much all cases, current Disney fare walks the fine line between charming and cheesy. The good stuff (e.g. High School Musical, Wizards of Waverly Place) stay charming, while the others descent into contrived silliness. In this case, the storyline is just too predictable to ever really suck you in.

On a more positive note, the acting in this film is very watchable. Ryan may just be the next big Disney star (for better or worse), while Jean-Luc Bilodeau (of Kyle XY fame) nearly steals the show as Abby's best friend. The "villain" of the story is way too over-the-top, but other than that the characters are quite well done.

Basically, this is a flick for younger children (no questionable material) and the earliest of pre- teens. Viewers of any older age will realize the silliness and tune out before reaching the finale.
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