Killa Thrilla Kong!
17 March 2017
Caught a righteous screening of Kong: Skull Island at the local IMAX theater and it's what you'd expect, a rock 'em, sock 'em monster movie!

It stars a great cast, the indomitable John Goodman, Mister Senor Love Daddy Samuel L. Jackson, the great John C. Reilly, the super cool Tom Hiddleston, the dynamic Brie Larson and her amazing gravity defying breasts and Toby Kebbell as the CGI actor of King Kong himself, yet some may be wicked bummed Andy Serkis didn't return to reprise the role of Kong from the 2005 Peter Jackson film.

This cast of motley characters is sent to investigate the mysterious Skull Island, home to the legendary simian giant King Kong, and they end up bruised, battered and bloody and getting mucho more than they bargained for on the monster filled isle.

Some may say this sequel pales in comparison to the 1930s original King Kong or the 2005 Jackson remake, yet this film's just for kicks and it delivers the goods with a healthy side badassery and a killer stinger scene that promises many more kooky and cool Kong sequels to come.
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