DarkWolf (2003 Video)
On par with The Vanguard n most Indian films. Pure trash n nothing else.
26 March 2017
Sometimes u do get tempted by the DVD cover n the fake inverted commas reviews on it. Take examples of The Vanguard, Dark Wolf, Blooded, etc. Sometimes they mislead us by posters of famous actors who appear for jus a cameo. Sometimes they jus write, from the director followed by some name which u later come to know that he is a nobody. I saw this on a pirated DVD for 50 rupees in 2008. The plot, i know who cares for an ultra micro budget trash. The film opens in a topless strip club. We see lots of boobs. A biker causes a ruckus, the police come to arrest him. He's handcuffed, and thrown into the back of the wagon. He turns in a werewolf, eats a policeman, and escapes.... The transformations are quite possibly the worst ever seen in a werewolf movie n the bad gorilla costume, the less said the better. It has everything bad. Atrocious editing, bad acting, awful direction. Sometimes i feel movies like these r purposely made jus to show expenses or losses to the income tax department. Or maybe the makers jus get the sadistic pleasure by making us see their trash.
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