Nothing out of the ordinary here...
26 April 2017
I was lured in by the movie cover/poster and with the enticement of this being a comedy with a supernatural twist. However, I had not heard about the movie prior to finding it and picking it up. But still, a horror comedy with a ghostly element, what is there not to like?

Right, well I must start off by saying that "Ghost Team One" is as such not an overly bad movie. It just didn't turn out to be what I had expected. Sure, there are some good moments and some good enough laughs to be found here and there. But the movie as a whole just didn't turn out to be all that impressive or interesting.

What worked in favor of the movie was the characters and the acting talents recruited to portray these characters. Sure, the characters were generic to the core, but there was just still something lovable and funny about them. I will say that it was Carlos Santos who carried most of the movie singlehandedly.

The story in "Ghost Team One" was probably what killed the enjoyment for me, because it didn't turn out to be a rather interesting or captivating storyline. So writers Andrew Knauer and Arthur Pielli hardly gave directors Ben Peyser and Scott Rutherford all that much to work with. And that also transcended onto the acting talents, because they had little to work with in terms of a fulfilling script.

"Ghost Team One" is hardly an effects movie, and makes use of very few effects actually. But then again, it is not the type of movie that has to rely on special effects.

Now, there were the occasional hilarious scene here and there, but they were not enough to levitate the movie out of the mediocre fast lane.

I managed to sit through the entire movie, although I was pressed at times in terms of focusing on the movie and concentrating on the movie. Once you have seen "Ghost Team One" the first time, chances are slim to none that you will return to watch it again.
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