The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
27 April 2017
This story is terrifying (especially if you are a female). Imagine what happens when the world goes completely crazy and some new completely sadistic world order emerges who claims their acts of incredible cruelty, murder, control , oppression and slavery are all in the name of some mystical God that no one has seen, spoken to or has any proof exists and yet uses the name of God to justify the most horrific and barbaric atrocities.

Without spoiling this is the story about this new world where women who are still able to bear children after the most of society is rendered infertile are made to be handmaidens/slaves to wealthy women who want to have babies but can't. Despite their unique baby making abilities they are still treated like the lowest life form on earth and the only reason they even get to live is because of this ability.

Elizabeth Moss and Alexis Bledel are amazing in their performances along with the rest of the cast. They broadcast the first 3 episodes on Hulu last night and of course I had to binge watch. It made me cry and made me incredibly sad to see how cruel a species humans can be.
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