Flawed but Highly Entertaining Film
30 April 2017
In 1944, the young teenager Tolly (Alex Etel) travels to the family real estate Green Knowe in the countryside of England to stay with his estranged grandmother Mrs. Oldknow (Maggie Smith). His mother went to London to search for information about his beloved father, who is missing in action in World War II. Mrs. Oldknow is trying to sell Green Knowe since she has financial difficulties and does not have any valuable asset to sell. During the night, Tolly meets two ghosts in his room and he goes to his grandmother to ask whether she believes in ghosts. Mrs. Oldknow explains that the manor has many ghosts from their family. Soon Tolly learns that he can travel to the beginning of the Nineteenth Century and he discloses secrets from the past of his family while waiting for his mother and the news about his father.

"From Time to Time" is a flawed but highly entertaining film with a naive story of ghosts and time travel. The cinematography is very beautiful and the cast has great names, such as Maggie Smith, Pauline Collins and Carice van Houten among others. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available (on DVD or Blu Ray)
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