Low energy cinema....at its worst
3 May 2017
Rainer Werner Fassbinder is the sort of filmmaker film experts and 'smart people' love...but is a filmmaker the average person would quickly dismiss as pretentious and boring. I would generally put myself in the latter group, though he did make a few excellent low budget films (such as "Ali, Fear Eats the Soul"). In general, however, I find his movies incredibly dull...very, very low energy and made as if everyone involved with the project were heavily sedated! "Love is Colder Than Death" is worse, however....like they are not just sedated but practically comatose! Imagine...a gangster film where everyone, especially the crooks, are asleep!!

The story is scant. Suffice to say it's about a trio who commit crimes and Bruno ends up killing a lot of folks with zero emotion, zero energy and, as a result, zero interest by someone watching the movie. They exist...they don't live.

The bottom line is that this is a dull, pretentious sort of artsy picture. I hate such films. I would MUCH prefer film noir or French film noir (such as a film by Melville)...not this slow as molasses and uninvolving low budget crap. It's just plain boring...even when one of the character takes off her clothes!
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