A (b)lacklustre sequel.
5 May 2017
William Marshall, the Christopher Lee of Blaxploitation horror, returns as Blacula, resurrected from the dead by voodoo cultist Willis (Richard Lawson), who wants revenge on Lisa Fortier (Pam Grier), destined to be the cult's next leader. As in the first film, Blacula sets about creating a small army of blood-slurping followers, while ex-cop Justin Carter (Don Mitchell) puts together the pieces of the puzzle and comes to the only conclusion: vampires!

This rushed into production sequel isn't a patch on the original, lacking that film's fun factor. Marshall once again puts in a strong performance, but the plot is deathly dull, with very little of interest happening for much of the time. Pam Grier, so often the strong female lead, is relegated to helpless girl-in-peril, at least until the very end when she kills Blacula via the use of a voodoo doll. Funniest moment comes when narcissist Willis realises that he can no longer see his reflection in a mirror, although the library scene had me chuckling a lot as well: check out how many copies of Summer in Sodom, The Erotic Revolution and The Zolotov Affair they've got on the shelves!
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