God's Word vs man's
15 May 2017
If you want an intelligent worldview of creation and the Christian faith, forget this and see the following for why: creation.com/genesis-code-review Sadly too many professing Christians are as ignorant and gullible as unbelievers concerning the truth and authority of the Bible, God's Word, in the scientific realm, unlike days gone by when people were literate and so took the Bible seriously (vs. today's illiterates). It's sad how those who deny absolute truth are so blind to their own bigotry & self-refutation seen in being absolutely sure of it! Those who know true history vs today's useful idiot propaganda know creation (e.g. that held by Newton, Pasteur, Galileo, Copernicus, Keplar, the Curies, NASA's Von Braun, and many others) is the basis for true science, vs how evolution is the basis for bigoted anti-Christian religion, usually following apostate Anglican clergyman Darwin, masquerading as science, really rather mere nonsense that any good creationist can refute easily (e.g. evolution's inability to explain the low rate of oceanic salinization and sedimentation rates in view of present processes at present rates). Since most are largely illiterate in most fields, evolutionists continue to get away with their attacks, rightly banking on the current lawless, fascist degeneracy people prefer to civilized behavior as the world tragically descends into mindless, lawless, fascist, bigoted, egotistical cultural and intellectual decadence and depravity like that C.S. Lewis ably depicted in his 1940s Space Trilogy, especially vol. 3. God save us.
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