I Love Dick (2016–2017)
Dick Sucks!
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, I'm writing this after watching 17:30 of the first episode. It is highly unlikely I will ever see more.

Seventeen minutes and thirty seconds should be enough to introduce at least one tolerable character, but Dick flopped on that one. After this long, I've seen maybe the best collection of unlikable characters I ever encountered, and Kathryn Whateverhernameis takes the cake in the annoying category. Whatever she was trying is a monumental fail. If you and someone like this character were in the same restaurant, you'd leave hungry rather than listen to her. You might even move out of town, it's that bad. Her husband is the most stereotypical, annoying New Yorker the Amazon writers could come up with, and then there's the earthy redhead with armpit hair who lives in the artists' colony and talks about her trip to Fiji. Ugh! Yeah, I decided while writing this that I'm done with Dick for good. I've had all I can take. Another Amazon stinker goes in the Prime toilet, partially watched and then despised forever. On to the next piece of garbage they release.
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