Snatched (2017)
A funny, entertaining evening with my mum
30 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Aawwhhh, look - all the members of the 'I hate Amy Schumer' club got together and decided to each give her film 1 star! The majority of the negative reviews are barely a couple of lines, mostly just a list of negative adjectives that do not constitute a 'review'. It's strange how someone can think a film so utterly terrible and yet struggle to elaborate at all on why - it's almost as if they haven't actually seen the movie (mock gasp of shock!). So, in case anyone is interested, here is an actual review of a film I actually saw last night called 'Snatched'.

You'll most likely know the basic premise - Schumer and Hawn are a mother daughter duo who go on holiday and get kidnapped - madcap adventure ensues. I went to see this movie thinking, a bit of harmless,light-hearted, funny escapism - and that's exactly what I got. Is it going to win any Oscars...? Of course not! It's a slapstick comedy! But it delivered exactly what it promised. Schumer and Hawn's chemistry is brilliant, two incredibly talented comedy actors coming together was magical. The storyline is both weak and implausible - again, it's a slapstick comedy, who on earth is expecting realism here!? The great thing about it is that it doesn't take itself seriously at all! It doesn't try to be something it's not which is so refreshing in a comedy. It's a very well paced 90 minutes so there's no pointless padding out you see so often with comedies desperately trying to stretch out a movie, believing quantity is better than quality. Some of the characters are so tongue in cheek that the film borders on being a spoof - but this only adds an extra dimension to the humour and you just have to roll with it.

I loved seeing an average, curvy woman confidently wearing a bikini in a Hollywood movie. It seems there's either anorexic 'serious' female leads or obese 'comedy' leads - neither of which (sorry Melissa Mccarthy!) promote a healthy body image. I just feel sad that it has to get a special mention - it should be so commonplace that it's unremarkable, but it isn't.

I've tried to avoid giving any spoilers in this review, but just to prove I really have seen this movie and genuinely LOVED it - here are a few of my favourite bits hopefully described in a way that doesn't give away too much - the guy with the boat's back story, delivery and overall character, Joan Cusack popping up - another 'unconventional' Hollywood lady, the totally relatable, over- protective mothering scenes (actually this was the context of the whole film and the main reason I loved it!), Emily 'freshening up', Emily learning a new 'dance', the relationship between Emily and her grown-up, still living at home brother, Emily's encounter with the doctor...

In the future I will be mindful of extremely negative reviews and discount ones that are clearly part of a hate campaign by people who haven't seen the movie in question.
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