Review of Reality

Reality (2014)
31 May 2017
damn, before watching, i had no clue what to expect, and after watching it, i still don't know what happened. The name is very suiting and everything about the story is insane, its so confusing and amazing. At least for me. The first half of the movie is just like a normal movie, with a few interesting scenes and story lines. but once you get into the 50 minute mark, your mind gets blown and the score you were planning on giving rises from a 6 to a 8, 9 or 10. But if you don't like unique and strange movies (which i don't think a lot of people do, this is truly unique to not like it) your score might drop lower to a 3 or a 4. I saw one review of this movie saying he got too bored after 30 minutes and stopped watching the movie, well i guess he missed the good crazy parts that make this movie so special, unique, bizarre, and in a strange way incredibly good. The simple utter confusion of the movie is what makes this one so special and good. simply a must watch. Be prepared to get confused!
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