Chosen (II) (2016)
Great if you like a fairy tale but historically it's insulting
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The 'plot' of the film is that a young boy asks his grandpops, played by Harvey Ketiel, who his hero is. Mr Keitel then goes into the past and his experiences in Hungary during World War II. This is some guy called Sonson. So we are transported back to the era and so the story begins. Sonson loses his wife and then must find his sister in law who has been transported to Poland by the brutish gendarmerie of the Hungarian police.

I can't say any more in case I give too much of the plot away so PLOT SPOILERS next****

The acting is woeful in places but I can forgive that but it is the historical errors that I found insulting so I shall list some in no particular order.

• The resistance travel about occupied Poland with no ID cards and the Germans never even ask for Sonson's at a checkpoint to the Warsaw Ghetto for his – oh and he's carrying a stolen Ss uniform too. • A virtual platoon of SS uniforms left in the open for Sonsosn and co to use and of course they all fit the resisters. • I spotted AK 47's – there is a clue as to when they were invented in the name (ie the 47 bit) and this is supposed to be 1943 to 1944. • The Germans speak in English until they get upset and then it's all 'Mein Gott in Himmel' etc. • The Ghetto is in the middle of nowhere not the centre of Warsaw. • The final battle is in a farmyard. • The BBC World service seems to be fixated on the movement of Jewish convoys – really!! • Sonson blows a bag of grenades up on a tank track and is not injured some 5 foot from the blast. • The Russias actually turn up to save the uprising like the bleedin 7th Cavalry– that got me angry when that happened. • Then the Red Army decorate the Poles and Jews. Now the mistakes here would be laughable if it were not so insulting to those people who fought and suffered and were let down by the Russians and the rest of Poland who did not join them – oh they do here in case you were wondering. Any of the good points to this dross like cinematography or SFX are missed in a miasma of made up guff and mawkish sentimentality that had me gagging. The makers should be ashamed of themselves and there have been complaints too about the portrayal of the Hungarian Gendarmerie so quite a few own goals. I have seen better accuracy and honest representation of facts in a Donald Trump interview – avoid like a self immolation contest.
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