The Twilight Zone: The Lonely (1959)
Season 1, Episode 7
"All you're leaving behind is loneliness."
20 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just a couple of shows after the solid pilot episode, 'Where Is Everybody?', 'Twilight Zone' series creator Rod Serling again visits the subject of the human need for companionship. Jack Warden stars as James A. Corry, a convicted killer doing time on an asteroid far from Earth. The most taxing aspect of his punishment is his utter loneliness. So he looks forward to periodic visits from a lawman named Allenby (John Dehner). On this latest visit, Allenby drops off a gift: a robot (Jean Marsh) designed to look just like a person - and have emotions, like a person.

Unsurprisingly, Corry is at first turned off by this prospect. He believes that a robot, no matter how it looks, is no replacement for a flesh & blood human being. But he is soon touched by her, and comes to really care for her. Warden delivers one of his most endearing performances of all time, creating a character who instantly earns our sympathies. And the lovely Marsh is quite affecting herself, exhibiting emotion in subtle ways. She doesn't break down and blubber like a human might, but she does cry. These two fine actors are well supported by Dehner as the compassionate Allenby, and an uncredited Ted Knight as the surly, sardonic Adams.

On location shooting in Death Valley ensures a convincingly otherworldly atmosphere, and Bernard Herrmanns' score is quite good - like Marshs' performance, it's not overdone, but is effectively subtle.

The bittersweet ending does leave one with a mild feeling of regret.

Eight out of 10.
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