These reviews.... Jeez
27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that the narrator was being an idiot when he would call up customer service reps and then act surprised when they couldn't answer his complicated questions. I also agree that this documentary is pushing a vegan agenda in a big way, while ignoring some other important pieces of the puzzle. Like how wheat/bread should be avoided for similar reasons, and that a perfect diet is not just as simple as eating only plants. Downplaying the role of sugar and carbs in diabetes was also a head-scratcher.


C'mon, you 1 star reviewers. 90% of you say that the documentary claims sugar is not bad for you. It never said that. I repeat; IT NEVER SAID THAT. Clearly some of you wanted to hate this from the beginning. This was still a highly enlightening documentary that should make most rational Americans reconsider their diets. If you watched this and took NOTHING useful away from it, then frankly you are in denial.

Some of the negative reviews here started out making sense, and then at the end the reviews would say something that ruined their credibility. One negative review at the end made a statement about how giving up bacon is not worth a couple extra years of life. This is one of the common and most ridiculous things I hear on a regular basis. These people do not get it and probably never will. Food is a means, not an end, and if you are willing to LITERALLY poison your body just because it tastes good then I feel sorry for you. I hope that you find something better to live for one day. Another negative reviewer posed the question, why don't carnivorous animals get cancer and diabetes from eating meat just like we do? FACEPALM. That question is on par with someone trying to debunk evolution by asking why their grandpa isn't a monkey.

In conclusion, this is an insightful and enlightening documentary with a few problematic parts, a clear agenda being pushed, and a bit of a dopey narrator. It should still be more than enough to convince you that the American diet is incredibly dangerous.
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