You'll be FLOORED!
5 July 2017
Let me set the record straight, on this one. This is in no way, a bit movie, where I don't want illicit substances, other reviewers on, but this none other a fine solid, absorbing drama, based supposedly on a real incident, where a woman supposedly picked up the wrong drink, where a jilted boyfriend, had spiked it with Strickinine (and don't go off at me, for spelling it wrong) so our pretty lass Hull, ends up in a psyche ward, on the fifth floor, or as one crazy puts, Psycho city, where her introduction, is pure gold. The movie is a lot of fun, I found, with some real cooks, played by good supports, one being Robert Englund, before he put on that decapitating monster mask, and those ripping claws. We really see the depressing realities of daily life, inside this place, and we really sympathize with Hull's helplessness, her ordeal, only heightened, by a male orderly, and sexual deviate, Hopkins, who takes advantage of our pretty philies, even chance he gets, really creating a nasty piece of work, with a love to hate performance, the bath scene implanted in my memory, from my first watch of 1985. Julie Adams, was good too, as a matron, as was Mel Ferrer, strong as the chief doc, and as a memorable performance crazy, suicide victim, D'Arbanville left a lasting impression, while another actor you'll recognize, where there's a great irony involved here, where this time as a patient, he's on the other side of the door. This is a very involving and I'll say it again, absorbing, little nifty film, another of these well made seventies movie's that warrants viewing, with stars we don't see now. Forget the bad hype. Please.
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