The Twilight Zone: People Are Alike All Over (1960)
Season 1, Episode 25
Martians make a monkey out of McDowell.
6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a lifelong fan of Roddy McDowell (Planet of the Apes, The Fantastic Journey, Fright Night), I can't help but enjoy this episode, despite the fact that the twist in the tale is fairly easy to guess.

McDowell plays nervous scientist Sam Conrad, one half of a two-man mission to Mars, his fellow astronaut being optimist Mark Marcusson (Paul Comi), who believes that, should they run into life on Mars, they'll face no danger—after all, people are alike all over.

Marcuson never gets to see if he is right—he dies soon after the spacecraft crashes on Mars—but McDowell finds out just how perceptive his pal was when he encounters human lifeforms on the red planet. Of course, this being The Twilight Zone, there's a nasty surprise in store for poor Sam.

Well acted and well directed, this episode is a serviceable time-waster, albeit predictable in its outcome.
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