A Great, Affecting Film With A Terrific Performance By Vikrant Massey!
10 July 2017
Konkona Sen Sharma is among the Finest Actress of the Modern-Era & there are no two ways about it. Having won 2 National-Awards for her acting prowess, Konkona makes her Directorial Feature Debut with 'A Death in the Gunj'. And the good news is that, 'A Death in the Gunj' is a near-masterpiece, that is absorbing, affecting & unforgettable. And the Ace here is its lead-actor Vikrant Massey, who anchors the show with a heroic performance.

'A Death in the Gunj' Synopsis: When Shutu (Vikrant Massey) goes on a vacation with his self-involved relatives and family friends, the shy and sensitive university student discovers that there is a heavy price to pay for gentleness.

'A Death in the Gunj' is about kindness & inhumanity. Shutu is a fine, simple 23-year old young-adult, who is reduced into a mere prop by his despicable family. Its a very sad journey that Shutu goes through, but what makes his journey engrossing, are its overall characters, who despite their unforgivable attitude towards Shutu, appear human. They aren't likable, but there is humanity in them, although not for poor Shutu, who must bear their lack of care, until breaking point. 'A Death in the Gunj' is a personal story on gentleness being mistreated & how love will always win, even though the world lacks a lot of it. From start to end, the narrative is dark, but its all-out gripping at the same time.

Konkona is in top-form as a Writer & Director. Konkona & Disha Rindani's Screenplay is absorbing & disturbing, but never misses the point. The Writing is super-strong! Her Direction, on the other-hand, is excellent & she deserves credit, for keeping the atmosphere realistic throughout. I hope Konkona makes more movies! Sirsha Ray's Cinematography captures the intense proceedings, magnificently. Editing is razor-crisp. Art & Costume Design are perfect.

And now time for the acting honors! Vikrant Massey brings Shutu to life with the most affecting performance of the year. Right from his body-language, to his pained eye & to his soft dialogue delivery, Massey is an actor to watch! Massey anchors the show with flat-out terrific performance, that deserves awards & rewards! And lets forget that Massey was the best thing (if not only) in this year's Half Girlfriend.

Ranvir Shorey is brilliant. As the despicable bully, Shorey is pure dynamite on-screen. What a fearless, versatile actor! Gulshan Devaiah is first-rate as Shutu's inconsiderate brother. Kalki Koechlin as the sexually vibrant Mimi, is flawless, yet again! Tillotama Shome is outstanding as Deviah's wife, delivering a richly layered performance from start to end. Tanuja & The Late/Great Om Puri do well as usual as the elderly couple.

On the whole, 'A Death in the Gunj' digs deep & results into a deeply affecting cinematic experience. Watch It Now!
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