Feed (2017)
An Excellent Dramatic Representation Of The Eating Disorder Voice
21 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a mother of a teen who has been successful in recovery from anorexia since 2012 when she was diagnosed at the age of 13, this film brought me to tears. Through my ED advocacy work and my child's experience, I very well understand the minds of these sufferers. The use of Olivia's dead twin brother Matt as the voice and presence of the eating disorder(ED) inside Olivia's mind was creative and Brilliant!

The story line gave an accurate representation of how a ED voice within the sufferer constantly barks orders requiring absolute loyalty to the illnesses, with constant intrusive thoughts inside the sufferers mind. ED tells the sufferer they must restrict food intake and/or exercise, purge,and self harm. Many ED sufferers choose to take their own lives to escape the torture of these constant thoughts. ED constantly finds faults and tells lies. ED makes one anxious, paranoid, and hostile. Yet deep inside of the person with this illness, their true self still remains.

Eating disorders are biologically based mental illnesses and are fully treatable with a combination of nutritional, medical, and therapeutic support. Recovery is extremely hard work, and those that fight for recovery are the bravest people I know.

BRAVA to TROIAN BELLISARIO for this film. Your depiction of ED brought me back in time to 5 years ago when that horrid state of panic and sadness filled my mind in fear for my child's life. Your film reminded me of how frighteningly intrusive this battle is for all who suffer from ED.
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