Black Butterfly (II) (2017)
Engaging Story
27 July 2017
Paul (Banderas) is a struggling writer who is stuck, stuck, stuck. He takes a break and later picks up a drifter who just helped him at the restaurant with a truck driver who wouldn't let him pass. Paul feels like he owes drifter Jack ( Rhys Meyers) a ride and later offers him to stay for the night. Jack accepts and later discovers Paul is a writer, and feels like he owes Paul and offers to help him write the story. Paul sort of accepts. Jack does work around the cabin and things seem okay. Well, since this movie just started you just know things won't be "okay" for long. (So true)

The next part for me is not to say anything that would give everything away. Let's say things really go bad and Paul comes to feel like a prisoner in his own house. (Oh, oh)

The movie does have suspense and quite a bit of tension.

Antonio Banderas, I think, outdoes himself in this one. Oscar? Hmmm……… Maybe. Jonathan Rhys Meyers does an outstanding job also.

It was said in the movie that a Black Butterfly is very rare and the same can be said for this story because it will take you places other stories do not.

Notable: Piper Perabo as Laura a real estate agent who is trying to sell Paul's cabin.

I see you are thinking that there is a twist coming up. Indeed there is. There is one big clue. I missed it, but will you?

This will keep you engaged for sure. (7/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Yes, but not a whole lot.
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