Enjoyably distracting monster movie
30 July 2017
Looking back at old movies, the effects date quickly and they become rather cheesy in their simple pleasures. Someday I will do that with this film, because essentially it is a creature feature, albeit one that happens to be being delivered with the biggest stars, biggest budget, and state-of-the-art effects. And the thing is, despite all this superficial polish, the film is essentially big monsters and spectacle.

On this front it is enjoyable though; it has plenty of action, lots to look at, and a reasonably successful mix of humor and drama. I say reasonably, because the plot isn't up to much, and different characters seem to be in different films depending on who they are. This is matched by the performances which range from the silly fun (Reilly) to the stupidly OTT (Jackson) to the starry but bland (Hiddleston, Larson); the film doesn't seem to have a handle on what it wants to do, and the mix that it produces is not always successful, and it relies on big moments of action and noise to try and cover it. Perhaps at some point there was some smart commentary about US foreign policy in there, but that is lost in the mix too.

Still, it works as a monster movie with great effects and lots of polish, so enjoy it for that even if there is not too much beyond that.
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