Its intentions are good but they could have been better executed
14 August 2017
I admit that 'Hazlo como hombre' made me laugh a lot, as I'm very much into black comedies with sexual humor throughout. And I also felt a little uncomfortable because I went to see it with my mom who hates that kind of humor (I advice you not to see it with your parents at all costs).

Mauricio Ochmann did a great job as the hateful big male with a mind full of stereotypes against women and of course, against gays too. In general all the performances were good for what this movie is, and well, the very criticized performance of Aislinn Derbez, was sometimes even frightening for me, despite of being exaggerated. The rest of the cast did a nice job.

The script was gross but hilarious for me because as I said before, I have seen a few more films of that type of humor and I could perfectly handle with it.

But however, even tough it has the good intentions of create conscience about all the prejudices and stereotypes against homosexuality that Mexico has nowadays, the way these things are portrayed isn't the best, because the struggles of accepting something so strong like being gay is played in a way that, although probably not as cartoonish as it could have been, it is played in a very superficial way that leaves the viewer with a big doubt: if this movie is really in favor of being tolerant with everyone and to accept who we are, or if what this movie is really in favor with is the idea that no matter what we do, our thoughts about anything will never change, including the bad ones.

Overall, I recommend to see this only for the humor and the nice performances, but only that. Don't buy a ticket for this if you think you're going to see a movie with a great message for everyone because believe me, you will be disappointed.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. It goes without saying that this is one of the films that I would less recommend you to see if you're gay. I'm not, but if you are, you'll be probably wondering as long as you got out of the theater: "WTF was that?"
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