Review of P.T.

P.T. (2014 Video Game)
One of the Greatest Horror Games You Could Watch - And it's only a Demo.
17 August 2017
Let's get this out of the way - Konami sucks. It sucks that the full game died under the Kojima- Konami fallout, because of all the things this trailer beholds. I know a good game when I see it - PT today is currently one of the most influential horror games out there, people trying to bring back its old glory, even replicating it. It does the name of "Silent Hill" good. It scares the crap out of you, and makes you incredibly proud of it at the same time.

I apologize if I'm over hyping it for anyone - but it really is an incredible game. Even today, new secrets and details are surfacing from this ONE DEMO. It's gorgeous, it's atmospheric, it's simply a well done game on it's own and we'll have to hope that maybe someday, Kojima will grant us the full story of which Silent Hills was intended.

The only critique, as many others do, is of the puzzles, which are difficult in their ambiguity - not that it matters anymore. Unless you still have it downloaded onto your PlayStation, the game is no longer obtainable on Konami's part, so, all I can say is, watch as many playthroughs and articles of it as possible - serving you as entertainment, a horror movie, an amazing trailer, and a mystery that we collectively must work through in order to truly understand it.

100/10, in my book.
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