An action-packed Italian men-on-a-mission movie.
28 September 2017
Apocalypse Mercenaries is a cheap, Italian, WWII men-on-a-mission war movie wherein a motley crew of military misfits—Mister (Vassili Karis), Fierro (Bruno Bilotta), Priest (Maurice Poli), Flyer (Thomas Rauser) and Doc (Peter Hintz)—are tasked with destroying a heavily guarded Nazi HQ located deep inside a limestone cave.

On the way to their target, the group team up with a female partisan, Mirka (Marinella Magri), and carry out several smaller missions, attacking a German supply train and blowing up an airfield full of enemy planes.

While the story might be formulaic, and the acting nothing to write home about, the battle scenes are great (I don't care if they've lifted footage from other films—it is integrated well enough), the scenery is stunning, and the whole thing moves at a decent lick, with almost non-stop action to keep fans of the genre happy.

5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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