This film will revolt you
28 September 2017
I was looking at the credits of the director Herschell Gordon Lewis and this film seems typical of the product he put out. I certainly hope some of his films attained the exalted level of mediocrity.

Ghastly is all I can say, throw open the windows folks if you happen to air this one at home. The acting is grade school level the direction non-existent and it looks like it was shot with my father's old home movie camera.

The protagonist is Jim Jones like reverend Jeffrey Allen who has a church where moonshine is a sacrament. Some narrow minded townspeople and that scourge the Yankees inflicted on the south, revenuers want to put him out of business. Some dead bodies start turning up, but everybody is having one swinging time at services.

Sadly enough this was the farewell film for Tim Holt who with the other actor playing one of those revenuers dressed as they were in those black suits looked either like Mormon missionaries or they worked for the same agency that employed Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Holt looks like he's passing a kidney stone.

The film was shot in Oklahoma and Holt had settled there in his last years. What a sad come down for a man who did some very good B westerns for RKO back in the day and who also appeared in some truly classic films like Stagecoach, The Magnificent Ambersons, The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre, etc.

If you're a fan of Tim Holt and remember him from the classic studio era in Hollywood avoid This Stuff'll Kill You like the plague. All others do likewise.
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