Harem Suare (1999)
Like a Voyerist peering into a Harem
2 October 2017
Viewing the film Harem, makes one feel as if one were an actual voyeur peering into an actual Harem. Doorways and mirrors reflect to the eye what appears to be reality rather than an illusion created by a camera. As the Ottoman Empire comes to an end, the women in the Harem are frightened for their future. An old servant spins a tale to entertain and keep the women in the Sultan's harem distracted from what is going on. The story revolves around the Italian woman Safiye, who with the help of the black eunuch, Nadir rises to become the Sultan's favorite wife. The old servant's tale is interwoven with Safiye who weaves her own story to another Italian woman at a train station.

Do we always retell our stories as they happen to others? Stories are interwoven within stories, not only of what happens, but also what it is we would liked to have happened and wished we had done differently. As the Empire finally falls and the Sultan escapes to Europe, leaving all the concubines behind, the stories will unfold. What will happen to the ladies of the Harem, to Safiye, and to Nadir who deeply loved Safiye? The story is intelligent. The film is beautifully photographed. The costumes and interiors are sumptuous and colorful. However, the film is at times a bit hard to follow and there is a certain lack of warmth in the characters.
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