The Brion James Show
3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Driven detective Lucas McCarthy (a typically strong and intense performance by Lance Henriksen) succeeds in capturing vicious and notorious serial killer Max Jenke (robustly played with eye-rolling gonzo aplomb by Brion James). However, although Jenke gets fatally zapped on the electric chair, his malevolent spirit returns to torment McCarthy and his family.

Director James Isaac does a sound job of crafting an entertaining ooga-booga creepy atmosphere complete with endearingly hokey false scares, relates the derivative, but still enjoyable story at a brisk pace, delivers a satisfying smattering of ghastly'n'grisly gore, and sprinkles in lots of no-holds-barred excessive profanity. The solid acting from the capable cast keeps this movie humming: Rita Taggert as Lucas's concerned wife Donna, Dedee Pfeiffer as perky daughter Bonnie, Aron Eisenberg as rebellious metalhead son Scott, Thom Bray as nerdy scientist Peter Campbell, and Matt Clark as ineffectual shrink Dr. Tower. Moreover, James has a whale of a grand time as Max Jenke: Whether he's appearing as a face on turkey or cracking tasteless jokes in a macabre parody of a telethon, James brings a rip-snorting hambone panache to his portrayal of Jenke that's a total wacky blast to watch. Lawrence Tierney pops up in a small role as a prison warden. Harry Manfredini's shuddery score hits the shivery spot. Mac Ahlberg's slick cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. A fun fright flick.
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