Elevator (V) (2012)
7 October 2017
PROS: The whole reason I would recommend even watching this movie is for the ending. Undoubtedly the finale part of this movie was the best part. The weight and tone that the film has was perfectly embodied by the resolution. You got this dark and sad feeling mixed with sheer dread, and I liked how that quality was displayed in both the characters, the plot, and the setting. In such a small location I was surprised how much emotion they evoked from the set alone. You could really tell a lot of time, effort, and thinking was put into this indie horror.

CONS: The cons in this movie aren't really substantial. You could start out by pointing out that the acting was mediocre, the build up of intensity was sub par, or that the music/lighting was used improperly. All these qualities need to be there for a great film, but in this movie they just barely missed the mark. This is a hard movie to critique because nothing was awful, but nothing was great. So you're stuck between a rock and a hard place because should you notice the acting as not being bad, or not being good? I really feel this a movie specific for certain peoples taste and what they find to be best overall in movies.

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