Mythica The Iron Crown: Part 4, on par with the rest
10 October 2017
I love fantasy genre films, there simply aren't enough of them. When Hollywood make them they're often pants and when indie developers try they usually swing above their weight and simply can't make a movie of that type on such a limited budget.

Along came Mythica back in 2014, a crowd funded fantasy effort that though flawed had a real charm about it and developed a real following and a flock of sequels.

4 movies in, with the same cast and following the same story, Mythica is holding ground and though nothing special in the grand scheme of things they are perfectly watchable.

Here our party of heroes return minus Teela who fell in the last film, with a returning Kevin "Atheists are bad derp-de-derp" Sorbo and arch villain Necromancer.

As with the previous three I enjoyed every hokey minute of it and was left wondering what the Mythica series could have been with a bit more money behind it.

With a delightful recurring cast and a real light hearted charm Mythica scores with a win again even if it isn't a big one.

The Good:

Fantastic cast as usual

Some great ideas

The Bad:

Kevin Sorbo

Not the best story
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