The Sector (2016)
I'm the Finisher
11 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After a computer virus causes the apocalypse...okay...take a deep breath and a moment to get past this because it caused economic collapse, death and wars, but the details are fuzzy...okay downright furry. Dresher (Richard Tyson) is a bounty hunter from Union City who drinks Red Eye and has no memory. He goes out into "The Barrens" to hunt his bounties. He is offered a big bounty for John Anson (Matthew Tompkins) who is surround by a band of men. About 50 minutes into the film, things get weird when we meet Lance Henriksen and the whole plot becomes more inane than the computer virus taking down the planet. Oh yeah, Eric Roberts has a cameo...Senator bad guy, no shock there.

The silly cliché stuff was the best part of the film. I thought the twist made the film silly as if they attempted to combine two different films into one. The cult scene was done poorly. Why did the black guy speak like he was from Africa in an old movie? The twist is mentioned in the IMDb story line. Was that digital blood? Guide: No swearing or sex. Butt nudity
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