An answer for "boo moo" from Jan. 2007
20 October 2017
"The only question I have is why they felt they needed to keep shoe-horning Ken and Della into it - surely they could keep the brand and just start with new characters, or at least only use them without forcing it?" This is a quote from "boo moo's" review. It's unlikely that this person will ever see my answer, being written in 2017, but maybe someone else will wonder the same thing. The answer is that Raymond Burr wanted it that way. Barbara Hale and William R. Moses were contracted for all those movies, and if their contracts were canceled because of his death, they would been out a lot of money. So as a favor to them, Raymond Burr insisted that they be retained (pun intended) for all the movies. My comment re Ken Melansky is that after getting roughed up as many times as he does, if I were him, I'd start looking for a different line of work!
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