She may not really be dead, but the code and bad writing have killed her spirit and any consistency.
25 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When the first film of the three part "Sophie Lang" series ended, we saw Gertrude Michael and Paul Cavanaugh dancing on a cruise ship, unaware that their stash of stolen jewelry has been found by bumbling detective Leon Errol, not in the fish bowl being carried by Michael's aunt, Alison Skipworth. For some reason, five years have passed by, Skipworth is nowhere in sight, and Michael is now working for a rich American (Elizabeth Patterson) in London, having given up her life as "Lady Raffles". Cavanaugh's character (inexplicably now played by the much older Sir Guy Standing) wants to get his hands on a valuable piece of jewelry owned by Patterson and utilizes handsome Ray Milland to romance Michael so he can switch it with fakes. For some reason, Michael has made herself believed to be dead, simply buying a huge gravestone marking her resting place, yep, just like that. It's as if there are two Sophie Lang's living in parallel universes who look almost exactly alike, or at least one universe that the Hays code approves of.

After the success of the first one, an above average B picture, the change in Hollywood morals thanks to the boring code has all but taken the life out of Michael's character. She only comes to life when she must pose as Patterson, wearing a veil and speaking exactly like her. Whether or not Michael imitated Patterson or was simply dubbed by her is unknown, but it's the one clever aspect about this disappointing sequel. Gone, too, is the glamour of the first film, looking cheap and gaudy. Patterson is always a commanding screen presence, and while her character is more ladylike than the majority of her roles, you can't take your eyes off of her. But this is a pale follow-up to the original and flops big. Sophie Lang's return is a missed opportunity that becomes obvious when watching the two films back to back.
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