Scintilla (2014)
Incredibly flawed and problematic effort
27 October 2017
Sent to a remote military facility, a team of mercenaries expecting an easy extraction operation instead find themselves the target of a deadly mission involving human/alien hybrids stalking them which compounds their escape attempts through the local militia.

This here was a highly flawed effort overall. One of it's few good qualities here is the creepiness of the mission and what they're trying to accomplish since the facility looks quite dingy and dirty. The general concept of the group sneaking into that place under those orders gives this a nice enough base to start with, and the fact that the place is quite creepy in how they work that out is a rather enjoyable enough aspect in this one. As well, the few action scenes here, from the shootouts in the bunker to the rather strong and frantic escape and the ensuing gunfights with the soldiers on the surface allow for some rather nice energetic sequences throughout here, and with that comes some nice gore along the way with the practical effects really providing some strong parts to this one. While these here work nicely, it does have a few major flaws. One of the main issues is the film's incredibly slow pacing that drags this one out and makes it feel quite bland. The opening of the film, with all their infiltration tactics and sneaking past security that manages to be quite bland overall, not really generating any kind of horror thrills at all and just concentrating on their endless exploration of the base which takes forever to utilize any kind of idea what's going on. That it shows this going through every step of the way as they slowly make their way down the various floors and into the different sections of the bunker in a step-by-step walk-through which is seemingly endless that merely serves to highlight how low the budget for this one really is. That factor also makes itself known in the utterly laughable alien hybrids that are at the center of this one, which is just normal humans with awful CGI for multiple orbiting eyeballs or decked out in hilarious giant bug-headed masks and S&M-styled leather outfits which are just laugh-inducing more than frightening. Since the rampage through the facility is supposed to hinge on them being in contact with these supposedly frightening beings, the ending of this one is ruined highly because of the laughably non-threatening main creatures lowering this highly. As well, the nonsensical motivations and questioning for everyone here during the revelation about what they're supposed to be there for doesn't make any sense at all since it does is provide useless reasoning for double-crosses during the time they're supposed to be battling the main alien so that tends to cause those scenes to be reduced in power overall. Coupled with a truly ridiculous finale that has an incredibly ridiculous finale twist to it, this one here really had a lot to dislike about it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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