Hot Bot (2016)
Ugliest film I ever saw. Even the panning shots were of an ugliness that required a strong effort to achieve.
8 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me count the ways: - What really surprised me was the city, the surrounding locations and the suburbs, they were of an ugliness seldom seen. It made me sad and suicidal. What saved me is that I realized i didn't have to live there.

  • The two main leads are ugly. I mean, you know how in Superbad they're SUPPOSED to be ugly, but they have a certain kind of charm? That's totally missing here. Here Nard and Huff are just simply unattractive ugly.

  • The robot is a bit ugly, she looks too ..... chiseled? Gaunt? Cold? Robotlike? I don't know, but it's not soft and appealing.

  • The script is totally predictable, boring and lacks any effort for surprise. A movie about a sexrobot and there's no KISSING??? It's a prudish script with predictable near kissing only found in Disney movies for the under 12 demographic. Then there's the usual bully, the hot girlfriend, who INEXPLICABLY is interested in a real loser like Huff, who is also ugly.

  • This is not one those movie where it is so bad it's good. This is just bad all the way.

1/10 The Melancholic Alcholic.
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