Are You Here (2013)
Conservative Message for Alert Viewers
3 December 2017
I wanted to hate this so much. I'm so sick of Godless Hollywood types telling stories about the meaninglessness of life. But then I remembered a few things. First, of course movies are going to reflect the real life values, experience, and conflicts of the people who make them, and they are a certain type. Second, I have to judge a film based on what it is, not on whether I personally like the message or the ethos.

Having said all that, here it is: Yes the makers tried to throw in a lot of different philosophical elements, to the point where you weren't sure what the message was. But perhaps that actually is part of the message. Life is messy and complicated. Many of us have toyed with both Liberal and Conservative approaches to life.

Anyways, there were a number of good, memorable elements. All three free spirits accuse each other of shallowness and immaturity at some point and grow into better souls. In the early parts, you may get the impression that the film is glorifying hedonism, and amorality. But it isn't. It's doing just the opposite. In that sense, it is actually close to being a conservative movie.

The most poignant moment is when one former hippie cleans up, moves into a condo, and realizes that this is all there is. We may do small things to help the world, but for the most part life is a routine, and that is o.k. It's immature to crave some exalted mission all the time and swear allegiance to it, while shirking responsibility.

An even greater conservative scene is when our hippie imagines a bar patron telling him what a worthless dreamer and charlatan he actually is.

There's a sort of "flower child" character here who helps men reach their potential. But instead of trying to make them better hippies, she tries to make them better, more enlightened and responsible men. That's a nice twist.

There is an unspoken, yet underlying current that suggests that the Amish people of the surrounding area live a more authentically pure lifestyle, because they make things from scratch and have few wants or needs. It makes sense that free spirits might admire the Amish, because they usually crave a less materialistic, naturalistic, nature-based life. Meanwhile we see an Amish boy visiting a Psychiatrist. Perhaps to suggest that we all have problems.

The cinematography is terrific. There are beautiful green spaces and some nude work. For the most part there is not much actual sex or even a lot of profanity.

Sure the Zach G. actor guy has done variations of this role before. But this one was his best. Because you really felt his pain. It wasn't meant to be humorous. Wilson played his usual self, but once again did it beautifully. The woman who played the free spirit did so with just the right amount of emotion and detachment.

What a sad shame that so many people spend a lifetime being immature, only to wake up middle aged with nothing to show for it. Better late than never. I think that was the ultimate message.
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