Smooth watch: funny and entertaining
15 December 2017
Taking this film as it is there's lots of fun to be had. It makes for a smooth viewing, a wild ride full of bumps on the road and unexpected developments. Whether you're particularly a fan of either lead doesn't make a difference here as it's a very solidly crafted film, with excellent pace and good dialog. It avoids being completely ridiculous as many such films do in an attempt to produce base humor for the masses, and despite being obviously on the parody side of things maintains a balanced compromise between emphatic comedy and story telling. The jokes find fit into the scenes, rather than pushing so hard as to leaking out of the plot.

Of course it has to be mentioned the film takes advantage of the world war context to take a good crack at various clichés and make fun of the English, the Germans as well as the French themselves, and it's done pretty accurately with, again, a balanced effort.

It's perhaps a little long for its own good, surpassing the two hour format which surely can constitute a flaw in the sense that: this is a lighthearted comedy, not to be taken seriously at any one possible point, and the goal being straight up having fun one doesn't so much care about the characters really or what happens to them as the thin tone of the film doesn't allow for it. The result of this is the ending tends to be a little overworked and spread on too long a final act where we all understand the main characters will get out alright and it's just a matter of how the film chooses it, like the viewer can feel like he's had his fun and "get on with the happy ending already". Two hours plus is a bit too much...

7.5/10. A French comedy classic.
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