Review of Bright

Bright (I) (2017)
I was hoping for more...
23 December 2017
I had such high hopes for this movie, but at the end of the day my hopes were too high. I loved the idea of it all, but when I actually sat down to watch it I found myself wanting to stop less than half way through because it was just... boring. I feel like a lot of the culture and world could have been built up and better explained. It doesn't have to be spoon fed to the audience, but really... It would have been nice to have some lore other than some spray tags in the opening credits. I think the hints of the world created by the writers was incredibly fascinating, but all of it was wasted.

The concept was really neat and I was excited for it, but it was poorly executed. A lot of the scene changes and jump in plot was messy and didn't make sense other than to force a continuation of the story. There was some political commentary stuff. Not a ton, but the big points are kind of shoved in your face when they pop up. The jokes could have been delivered a lot better as well. I was hoping for some comedy, given the trailer, but in the end it just wasn't... A lot of characters were wasted. Some of them would have been really cool to just learn more about, but instead more screen time was split between less interesting characters that really only show up for two scenes and then die later.

Now that's not to say there weren't good points. The visuals were nice. As nice as visuals of people getting their guts blown out with a shotgun can be, I mean. And some of the music was good as well. There were some editing choices that seemed... odd to me, but I'll let them slide in this instance.

All in all? LotR meets Zootopia meets any buddy cop film ever made with neat visuals. For all its budget, I wish more time had been spent on reviewing the material from the point of view of an audience member so that some mistakes could have been avoided.
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