Bubble Bobble (1986 Video Game)
The sweet bubble magic of this 8-bit gem of early gaming will always bring joy to those who play it!
25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Bubble Bobble is one of the cutest, most innocent and happiest games ever made and it has a special place in my heart, because it's one of the few NES games that we had that I can clearly remember playing and loving as a very little kid. It must have been one of the first games I ever played, along with Pong, Duck Hunt, and the original Mario Bros. You play as one or two blue or green adorable tiny floaty dragons, Bub 'N Bob, and you spit bubbles that you can either bounce off of or shoot at your various enemies, and when they hit your enemies, they become all kinds of crazy items and delicious treats! The one scary element to this game was when you ran out of time and were set upon by an anxiety-inducing red-eyed skeleton ghost thingy that homes in on you at an ever-increasing rate! Everything else about the game though was colurful and cheerful, especially the tunes! I love the music, it's like it was specifically designed to seek out the happiness glands of children and juice that sucker dry! I feel positively at home when it comes to the music, hearing it never fails to take me back to how I felt playing it as a kid for hours on end. It was just the perfect kind of jingle that made you want to keep playing and getting better as you reached the higher levels. The mechanics of the game were subtly ingenious beneath the simple exterior, and it was different from any other games of the time that I can think of, and it still is pretty distinctive. It was so easy to understand and get into, and it was so addictive to play, I used to get told off for playing it too late on school nights, I'd keep asking for just ten more minutes please! And it had a slow but sure difficulty curve, with the last twenty or so levels being especially finicky and requiring a lot of ingenuity and skill with the controls to get through. I could never beat the one boss at the end though, he was way too tricky! A sweet childhood classic never dies, and this magic charming little game is one that I'll never forget. X
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