Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time (2017)
Season 11, Episode 0
Beautiful ending for a brilliant doctor and writer.
26 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
To me this episode was perfect. I've seen a lot of complaining about the lack of action and no enemy. But they're missing the point. 12 already had his final battle in the doctor falls. This episode was more about the doctor learning about himself and everything he stands for. It showed the evolution of him. I loved the story of how the first doctor left galifrey because he wanted to see how good could ever beat evil and actually the answer to that was himself. David Bradley was a great first doctor and he's a great actor and its a shame he couldn't be his own original doctor. The final shots of the ww1 Christmas truce were beautiful it sums up why the doctor loves the earth so much that these soldiers who are at war could lay down their weapons for one day just to be kind was a brilliant moment and the scene of the 2 doctors standing there watching like ghosts was truly amazing.

The cameos were a nice touch. Clara needed to be there in some form and they had a nice moment even if it wwsnt actually her. Also it was obvious Peter and Jenna didn't film the scene together but it was still a lovely moment and while nardoles appearance wasn't necessary it was still a nice and his speech about his battlefield being empty because everyone else had fallen was truly tragic and the last bit where they hugged and disappeared leaving his arms empty truly hit me hard. 12 I feel truly struggled with being alone more than any other.

Capaldis 2 final speeches were truly beautiful about kindness. A doctor who had often been criticised as to dark or to cold and ruthless has shown he is the one who values kindness more than most. Say what you want about Moffat but he has truly given the doctor as a whole so much depth, he truly understands what makes him tick. Peter Capaldi you have been amazing both in the role and out of the role you truly are the doctor the universe we all need and have done so much and you deserve a great career ahead still and I may not like it but doctor, I let you go.

The only negative I have is Jodie whitakers first scene. It felt lazy to me. This was chibnals debut scene and he did nothing to establish her character, the first words were as cliche and unoriginal as you can get then basically copied the 11th hour opening. Really hoping this isn't a sign to come for his era.

But overall a beautiful episode for Peter Capaldi and him and Steven Moffat will truly be missed. Thank you gentleman for the best era of doctor who in my humble opinion.

Overall rating: out of 10...12
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