Batman The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2: One of the best Batman tales by far
1 January 2018
Following directly on from the passable Dark Knight Returns Part 1 we see an aged Batman doing what he does best.

Clearly tired and with a new young Robin protege he is forced to contend with the return of the Joker, civil unrest, an increasingly hostile police force and Superman himself.

I went into this expecting more of the same, little did I realise it would be a contender for the best Batman movie out there.

Well written, thoughtful, very dark & with some genuinely game changing moments this second (And likely last) part really delivers. I find the old Batman so much more interesting, tired, hurting but determined to continue his crusade until his final breath.

This is evidence that the franchise has plenty of life in it, it just needs to be placed in the right peoples hands. If Batman vs Superman had been like this the DC Universe would be looking a whole hell of a lot more promising right now.

The Good:

Dark, gritty and violent

The Bad:

Robin, really?!

Odd version of the Joker

Timeline is weird

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

More movies need topless villainess's

Catwoman becoming a Madam, not really surprising

The bat glider scene made me just plain uncomfortable, good soldier, good soldier

One day DC will need to explain how Supermans outfit is impervious to damage as well
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