The Batman Superman Movie World's Finest: One of the finest indeed
5 January 2018
Okay I admit it, I went into this very judgemental. I mean come on can you blame me? Look at that front cover! And after all the family friendly DC stuff I've watched lately I expected more of the same.

Truth be told I got it, but made in such a way it was enjoyable regardless

Batman travels to Metropolis to team with Superman against the combined forces of Joker & Lex Luthor. The plot, hardly staggering but the delivery was fantastic.

With the vocal talents of Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill & Clancy Brown this is one of the better DC outings I've seen lately despite it being a cutesy colorful one.

My complaints? The animation isn't one I like, it looks very odd in places almost like different animation styles were used for different characters.

Depite this minor issue I enjoyed Worlds Finest, it's a lot of fun for any super hero movie fan and still better than Batman vs Superman (2016)

The Good:

Mark Hamill

Very well written

The Bad:

Animation is off in places

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Apparently Superman is a telepath as well as he can identify bad guys upon sight

Why did someone think it was a good idea to make Joker have a triangle head?
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