Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
Average romantic drama
6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I somewhat understand the popularity of this episode, but for me, it was the weakest of the lot.

The popularity probably says more about the hope for 'true love' of the audience than the actual quality of the script or concept.

Personally, I found this episode to be overloaded with sex scenes and corny lines with a particularly cheesy ending that would require me to buy into societies fabricated concept of lifelong harmony and a 'perfect match'.

For me this is the weak link.

Society (rather than biology) has created a concept of monogamy to fit neatly within our legal systems (particularly inheritance) and family structures - human beings are biologically 'serial' monogamists and technology cannot change this.

That this man finds an environment offering perpetual no-strings sex so undesirable is highly questionable. Come on Black Mirror, you're usually inspiringly original - so many opportunities here...

It would be fascinating to show technology highlighting our true desires when stripped of the chains of societies conditioning.

Not a bad hours viewing - but the weakest of the season.
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