Godless (2017)
It's at least a nine, despite a little problematic storytelling (only one small spoiler at bottom)...
8 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While some have argued that Hollywood is merely giving us mindless gruel, Michelle Dockery and cast are certainly just as good as any other westerns of recent memory. Additionally, we should thank the producers for a well-crafted 7-episodes over the typically abysmal 13. This stated, the majority of the action all occurs in the final episode.

My three issues were (first 2 non-spoilery):

1) The town had, ultimately run by women, was named La Belle. That's a little too on-the-nose for my liking, despite similarities with more-modern New Mexico towns of the same name.

2) The character portrayal of Whiteys is consistent. He is able to enact a great, hero's plan at one stage of the narrative - and then at another stage is unceremoniously dismissed as a fool. A fool his loved ones regard, but a fool. This was weak writing.

and spoilery...

3) The newspaper man A.T. Grigg more or less creates the final problem at the show's conclusion. Essentially, he is ever-willing to throw anyone under the bus to get his story. This being known, and while he is shot, he is somehow patched up by show's end and allowed to live, shown walking with a funeral procession. As hero character Roy Goode's disappearance is planned through his alleged death at the La Belle gunfight (allowing his freedom from criminal prosecution)... at which Grigg was present, no explanation is given on how this is expected to be effective. The writers allowed Grigg to live in order to pain the audience on the unfortunate imperfections of life... but failed to pay the audience, or the characters the basic respect of outlining somewhat-naturally-ordered universe.
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