Jessica Jones: A.K.A. 99 Friends (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
What have we, or the mentally challenged, ever done to you?
10 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This seemed like sort of a filler episode but I am happy that it wasn't. There is some phenomenal acting by Ritter. A great budding friendship/romance between two characters. There is an insight into what Kilgrave has done to people and it was depressing, funny and kind of odd. The ending is also great that delivered another cliffhanger.

Let's start with the case that Jessica had: the Eastmans. It did seem like filler to allow the side plots to catch up but it did help with the main plots too. This allowed Jessica to look into police cam footage with help from the eager cop Simpson. We also got a tremendous scene with Jessica unleashing her rage against the Eastmans when she finally snaps about how she has lost people. It was a great job by Ritter by making Jessica terrifying and sympathetic at the same time.

Speaking of Simpson, he went to try and mend fences with Trish after Kilgrave made him go try to kill her. I felt that it did evolve naturally from Trish being scared of him, to talking to him with caution to sharing stories and allowing him in for coffee. I like these two characters, especially Trish, and they bring a good change of optimism to this show.

Kilgrave this episode was more on the effects of him than the actual character himself. It was hilarious hearing what some people said to try and get off for certain crimes as well as just the crazies that came in. However, there was some things that make me kind of realize that, Hogarth was kind of right, that Kilgrave has low ambition if some what he is asked for is a nice coat, some cello music and a pretty smile. Like this guy could tell Tony Stark to do stuff but he's just living the lavish life in Hell's Kitchen. That doesn't mean there weren't some sad stories though. The story of the man leaving his son was just gutwrenching. The fact that Kilgrave would do that just for a driver is despicable (in a good way for his character). And the fact he got divorced and lost any custody for his child is even worse for the events that Kilgrave sets in place for his own selfish needs. This show is doing a great job showing what trauma can be dished out by a man in power.

As I mentioned the cliffhanger in this episode is amazing. The photographer that is following her around is (SPOILERS): Malcolm! That is incredible. First off because he is a junkie that no one would look twice at so it's the perfect cover but also it opens the door to the possibility of him being found by Kilgrave before or after the drugs.

+ Ritter + Trish/Simpson + Fun scenes countered by heartbreaking scenes +Cliffhanger - Eastmans felt like a quick detour - Kilgrave could do so much better/worse

Final Score: 8.6/10
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