Review of Replace

Replace (2017)
Re-peal and replace
12 February 2018
Sorry for the inappropriate political pun I used there, but I just couldn't resist. While that is timely and I'm not sure the joke will be understood in 10 years (or even when the next president is on), the movie itself is timeles (pun very much intended). Immortality is something humans have been seeking out forever and something that is both appealing and appaling, if you really take your time and think about it.

The movie starts off a bit weird, with a scenario that might leave you wondering what is going on. Like me, because I didn't read what this was about. Most twists can be seen way ahead of the time they arrive on screen, but it's still very enjoyable to watch. The actors are having fun with this ... let's call it body horror movie. And while it has quite a few flaws (pun intended), it is more than decent enough
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