Tales from the Crypt: You, Murderer (1995)
Season 6, Episode 15
Noir of the Dead
2 March 2018
This episode is another favorate of mine, this tale is a really different entry but then again this show has had it's share of them and is part of the beauty of anthologies. This isn't entirely scary (though the thought of anything like this can be) it's more of a noir black comidy; but also in a twisted sense a love letter to the Noir genere. Also believe or not, I saw this episode when I was 12 or 13 I didn't know anything about the noir genre and Humphrey Bogart, so this episode was my first step into this genere I love.

I really like the structure of the episode, thoughout the episode were in the first person perspective and we never really see the protagonist's face but only a few times where we catch brief glimpses of the face which is the face of late actor Humphrey Bogart. I like the fact we don't see his face much it reflects the mystery of both his character and the predicament, but most importantly it really puts us in the action as if were experiencing the same things he is. I even like the voice acting, from how well the actor sounded and performed I sometimes bought this was the Humphrey himself (as a kid I actually thought this was the actor).

The supporting cast are great too, Issabele Roselini ironically cast is good as the feme fatale. John Lithgow another actor I really like is good as the untrustworthy friend or foe. Sherl Finn whom is also ironically cast as the pretty helpful secretary Erica whom we hope comes to Lou's aid, shame her looks don't bring anything to the upstairs department.

We see all the typical cleches like in most noir stories where there is a double cross or betrayal, one person is cheating on another, and death itself which is true in most noir stories. Here we kinda see two kinds of noir troopes where on one side were seeing a couple trying to get away from something and on the other side a solitary figure whom is forced to face a complex life and death dilemma.

I really like the bits of humor in this episode as we see what Lou's body goes though and the comendary of grief he delivers though also makes it glad I'm not in his shoes. It's funny when he hear what he says seeing that burial hole, "finally I can get some rest".

But it's suspenseful because like in all EC Comics fashion as well as some Noir stories, you already know this couple isn't going to get away with it and are going to get what's coming to them. In what happens in the final minutes if you wanted to you could call it a miracle.

Rating: 4 stars
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