The Walking Dead: The Lost and the Plunderers (2018)
Season 8, Episode 10
Too Late For Peace
6 March 2018
There are times when I really appreciate The Walking Dead's stylistic directing choices and unique way of telling a story, and then there are times when I feel it's very pointless. Albeit being a little gimicky, the title cards that would split up the night's episode were an interesting way of fleshing out this very typical episode.

For one, Simon and Jadis were clear standouts this week. I've never fully been on board with Simon as a character, as he's often felt like a carbon copy of Negan's personality. However, tonight exemplified just how different he is by shaping him as a man on a revenge tour and so clearly going to be killed brutally by Negan, and I found Steven ogg's performance to be incredibly compelling. It was in those scenes and Jadis' few quiet but bloody sequences that made the episode for me.

Jadis, much like Simon, has been a mixed bag for me. I'll never understand why the garbage folk speak so strangely, it's quite infuriating. But it seemed like Pollyana McIntosh finally got a chance to show some depth as the last survivor of The Scavengers. Just watching McIntosh painfully see her people go through the trash grinder made me feel genuine emotion for her. I can't believe I'm saying this but actually intrigued for where they're going to take her character going forward.

It was also very nice to see Negan and Rick have a 1v1 discussion that didn't end with a baseball bat or guns going off. Yes, it was frustrating to see Rick take a 180 from what Carl asked him to do last week (will Rick ever learn?), but on the other hand, how great was it to see Negan be a somewhat normal person through it all? Is this the show telling us we should expect Negan to be redeemed at some point? His supposed genuine reaction to hearing about Carl's death may be a sign of what's to come in that regard. Either way, back to back solid episodes of The Walking Dead was a promising way to begin season 8b.

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