Back Story
6 March 2018
Crawford's, control-obsessed, pre--Cuckoo "Nurse Ratched" had good reason to try to protect her nurses. No one out there on the floor in the pre-muscle, pre-"psych-tech" era took more of a physical (and mental) beating than the RNs. While most people (about 4:1 female) with borderline personality disorder are not (often) violent, those who get hospitalized more often are.

What this romp didn't get into Way Back Then (before Alice Miller, Andrew Vachss, Diana Russell, Judith Lewis Herman and others started raising consciousness about the main cause of it) is that BPD is a sort of diluted form of multiple personality disorder where sufferers are sometimes relatively functional, sometimes horrible depressed and/or anxious, and sometimes raging maniacs.

Why? Because they were almost always severely abused as children... often sexually, and often by fathers, older brothers, grandfathers, uncles, and/or a single mother's boyfriends. And they were threatened within an inch of their lives if they told anyone about it by the perp and/or the perp's accomplices, often including mother and other family members. Put another way, they were Raised In Hell. And when temporarily "dis-inhibited," They... Are.... ANGRY about that.

Suffice it to say that "The Caretakers" =is= over-dramatic and histrionic to the point of being in-credible by current standards. But in many ways, the script was barking up some of the right trees. TG most post-traumatic-stress-disorder-stricken borderlines are no longer dealt with in anything remotely like what is seen here, but... back then... they =were=.
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