The Walking Dead: Dead or Alive Or (2018)
Season 8, Episode 11
The Walking Turd, Zombies, Contrivances, Religion vs Science, Faith vs Fate, Boring Soap Opera Lingers
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, sadly not too much to laugh at in this episode. But it was a good set up for Gabriel. Gabe looked like he was winning the religious wars, until his buddy The Doctor got killed. That was comedy beyond belief. I know, you have to have a twisted heart to laugh at this poor fool who thought all was going so well. Finding a house, finding medicine, finding the car keys in that stupid piggy bank (Giant Pink Pig Piggy Bank - who writes this stuff). What luck. Or is it God. But then God takes it all away by killing his new buddy The Doc is dead, and Gabe can't believe that God would do that. What a moron. I'm just sticking around to see what else these writers have on us unsuspecting viewers.

Ok, so Gabe and the Doc are lost, Gabe is sick, theyh find a house with medicine and keys to a car, Doc gets his leg stuck in a bear trap and zombies are on him, Gabe losing his sight, closes his eyes and miraculously shoots the zombie, saving Doc. Miracle! Yay! Let's just sit and enjoy all this. Then, they're about to take off in the car, when they're caught by the Saviors. Can you believe it? Doc goes for the saviors gun and gets killed. Mr Gabe was so confident, now he can't believe that God would allow Doc to die. This is comedy. Please laugh. Or cry, because we have to sit through this nonsense. I'd like to know exactly who came up with this dumb ass idea.

Alright, next, we get Darryl, Rosita, Tara with the Children of Alexandria going to the promised land (Hilltop), along with Dwight. They clear a bunch of swamp zombies. Ok. Tara tries to kill Dwight. Dwight gets away and leads Saviors away from the Alexandrians. Now, Tara trusts Dwight. Oh yeah, the Soap Opera continues. I predict that Dwight will eventually hook up with Tara. Why? Why the hell not. I mean it's all make believe right. Anything could happen. Just because.

Now, Alexandrians are at Hilltop, silence as Darryl mouths CORAL. CORAL. Tears. More soap opera. Oh my god. What is going on? It can't be.

Saviors - Neeg sets Eugene up with a bullet factory job. All we want is Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. And he puts Gabe to help. Dwight shows up as well.

Most of this episode was boring, mediocre, and contrived. But at least we got some zombies.

Here's some character flaws: 1, Maggie just blew away one of the saviors, because the guy gave her attitude & she wanted to send a message to Neeg, and that she had 38 more prisoners. Then she lets the prisoners out two at a time for work and exercise, like it's a freaking day care, or juvenile detention center. Maybe, just maybe, if you're willing to kill these people, you don't want them roaming around, and humanize them. They are more dangerous now, because they know they'll get killed. Maggie is a loser. Just like Rick. Best thing she could do is give them some water laced with poison and be done with them. They killed your husband! They killed your people! In real life, all those prisoners would be dead.

2, Morgan. He lies to the kid when the kid asks who killed my brother. Morgan the most manic, mood swinging loser, Kill, no Kill, Kill. Best move, in reality Morg should tell the kid "Hey Henry, there's the dude who killed your brother, let's go take care of him right now". Forget this soap opera, moral building nonsense. The world has fallen apart. The viewer can watch this show in the comfort of their home and say, great, they're teaching this kid not to hate. But in the reality of the show, the world has ended, the kid must kill, or be killed. Look what happened to stupid CORAL. He went to help someone, and FOR SPORT started killing Walkers and got bit. Pretty stupid for someone who's survived for so long. Don't blame CORAL, blame the writers. Those prisoners are there only for the writes to build some more nonsense tension and episodes.

At least we didn't get any of Rick's nonsense actions and speeches. Best if Neeg kills Rick, and Rick Zombie kills Neeg and they both wonder off into the sunset.

Gabe, the coward priest, should also be dead, and Gabe zombie kills Eugene, and both wonder off into the sunset.

Carol is same as Morgan, Kill, no Kill, Kill. This is not an afternoon picnic. It's supposed to be a zombie apocalypse.

More observations, Gabe is playing with the pill bottles, suddenly Doc goes over and says, these are antibiotics. Isn't the Doc a Doc? Why does he need a blind man to point out the pill bottles?

Neeg asks Euge how Doc and Gabe got out. What we know of Euge, the coward, lying, spineless, pseudo intellectual is that in real life he would have broken down and pleaded for his life. And why didn't Neeg ask Gabe, the so called loser, man of god, "I cannot tell a lie", who helped him escape? They built this theme up throughout this episode, and it crumbled to absolutely nothing. Maybe if Euge told him and said he was sorry, Big Bad Neeg would have forgiven him.

People, if you view the actions of these characters from the comfort of your homes and consider that you may act the same way, I've got news for you. I doubt any of these characters would have lasted too long if they didn't kill and continue killing. All the rest of the up/down, kill, no kill is a plot soap opera device to continue dishing out more episodes. It's cheap and manipulative to the audience. An insult to our intelligence.
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