Give it a try.
13 March 2018
The premise is that i'm a big fan of Italian independent horror flicks - when I found out about this movie, and did my research, I had to add it to my borderline maniacal italian horror collection! This said, completely forget about the hyper-expensive Hollywood features. This is an old school product that pays due homage to some some of the most influential Italian horror filmography of the 70s-80s. It is literally a no-budget film, shot in no-time, built to throw you into the Lombard town and countryside of Voghera, and, once your in it, desperately mess with your imagination! Solid editing and soundtracks, and good rhythm, contribute to a thrilling and entertaining niche filmmaking b-movie experience. Don't know what it is, but I like director Rosson's choices and ideas for movies (this is his second feature). These guys deserve a bigger budget.
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